1.
时间,像流水一般匆匆流过,我们已经从陌生到相识,从相识到友谊,从友谊到恋爱,再到分手。
【Time
flies
like
water,
from
strangers
to
friends,
from
friends
to
lovers,
and
finally
to
parting.
】
2.
分班,仿佛是命运的轨迹已经注定,但我相信我们会在不同的班级中成为更好的自己。
【Class
division
seems
to
be
predetermined,
but
believe
we
will
become
better
in
different
classes.
】
3.
微笑着告别,不是结束,而是开始另一段故事。
【Saying
goodbye
with
a
smile
doesn't
mean
the
end,
it
means
the
beginning
of
another
story.
】
4.
珍惜曾经的团聚,珍惜将要逐渐疏离的青春岁月。
【Treasure
the
past
reunion
and
cherish
the
youth
that
will
gradually
fade.
】
5.
望眼欲穿的期待,无论如何也挽留不住岁月的流转。
【Unbearable
anticipation
can't
stop
the
passage
of
time.
】
6.
分界线让我们的青春期有了结尾,也有了新的开始。
【The
dividing
line
marks
the
end
of
our
youth
and
the
beginning
of
a
new
journey.
】
7.
集体的中一颗独特而灿烂的星,从此独自闪耀着属于自己的光芒。
【A
unique
and
brilliant
star
in
the
group,
shining
on
its
own
with
its
own
light.
】
8.
路漫漫其修远兮,各自奔向那遥远的梦想。
【The
road
ahead
is
long,
each
of
us
is
heading
towards
our
distant
dreams.
】
9.
相遇无悔,分别无怨,珍惜每一个美好的记忆。
【No
regrets
in
meeting,
no
complaints
in
parting,
cherish
every
beautiful
memory.
】
10.
祝愿所有人能够顺利适应新环境,走出自己的未来。
【Wishing
everyone
can
adapt
to
the
new
environment
smoothly
and
step
into
their
own
future.
】
11.
课桌椅上所留下的痕迹,将成为我们无法磨灭的回忆。
【The
marks
left
on
the
desk
and
chair
will
become
unforgettable
memories.
】
12.
曾经的相伴,无论距离怎样拉开,心与心的联系永远不会断。
【Once
accompanied,
the
connection
between
hearts
will
never
be
broken
no
matter
how
far
apart
they
are.
】
13.
分离时的泪水与依依惜别,将成为青春的辉煌点滴,留给我们一辈子的信仰。
【The
tears
and
reluctance
during
separation
will
become
brilliant
moments
in
our
youth,
leaving
us
with
a
lifetime
of
faith.
】
14.
年少时的朦胧,留给我们灼热而深刻的记忆。
【The
haze
of
youth
leaves
us
with
passionate
and
profound
memories.
】
15.
无论走到哪里,我们都是最优秀的自己。
【Wherever
we
go,
we
are
the
best
versions
of
ourselves.
】
16.
别离的瞬间,心中的柔情万般深刻,将陪伴我们走过一生。
【The
moment
of
parting,
the
tenderness
in
our
hearts
will
accompany
us
throughout
our
lives.
】
17.
分享天空下一样的叹息,展望未来遥远的道路,
成长的脚步不曾停止。
【Sharing
the
same
sigh
under
the
sky,
looking
ahead
at
the
distant
path,
the
steps
of
growth
never
stop.
】
18.
话别之时,微笑相送,不因离别而伤感。
【Saying
goodbye
with
a
smile,
not
feeling
sad
because
of
parting.
】
19.
散落在不同班级的我们,将继续自己的梦想。
【We
scattered
in
different
classes,
will
continue
our
own
dreams.
】
20.
生命里有很多道别,但每次都是一次成长,一次再次启程。
【There
are
many
goodbyes
in
life,
but
each
time
it
is
a
growth
and
a
new
journey.
】
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