1.
“爱情是一把双刃剑,一边让你感到无比的幸福,一边又能让你深深痛苦不堪。
”
【Love
is
a
double-edged
sword,
it
can
bring
you
happiness
and
unbearable
pain
at
the
same
time.
】
2.
“我承认我爱你,但是我不愿因为你而失去自我。
”
【I
admit
that
love
you,
but
don't
want
to
lose
myself
because
of
you.
】
3.
“爱情就像是一场战争,你永远不知道最后的胜者是谁。
”
【Love
is
like
a
war,
you
never
know
who
the
final
winner
will
be.
】
4.
“重情重义是伤害自己最好的借口。
”
【Loyalty
and
devotion
are
the
best
excuses
for
hurting
oneself.
】
5.
“我宁愿孑然一身,也不愿被那些虚伪的爱情所伤害。
”
【I
would
rather
be
alone
than
be
hurt
by
those
hypocritical
love
affairs.
】
6.
“爱情本就是一场赌局,你不知道下一步会发生什么事情。
”
【Love
is
always
a
gamble,
you
never
know
what's
going
to
happen
next.
】
7.
“如果你不知道如何爱我,就不要伤害我。
”
【If
you
don't
know
how
to
love
me,
don't
hurt
me.
】
8.
“爱情就是一个绕不过去的圈子,你离不开它,但它也会让你痛苦不已。
”
【Love
is
a
circle
that
you
can't
get
away
from,
but
it
can
also
make
you
suffer
endlessly.
】
9.
“如果你一味地宠溺我,那么你也在宠溺我的自虐行为。
”
【If
you
indulge
me
unconditionally,
you
are
also
indulging
my
self-destructive
behavior.
】
10.
“爱情是一句话,但它也能摧毁你一生的幸福。
”
【Love
is
just
a
word,
but
it
can
also
destroy
your
happiness
for
a
lifetime.
】
11.
“伤害无处不在,而爱情就是最好的推手。
”
【Hurt
is
everywhere,
and
love
is
the
best
push.
】
12.
“我不需要你的虚假承诺,我只需要你的真心。
”
【I
don't
need
your
false
promises,
just
need
your
sincerity.
】
13.
“爱情只是一种一时的感觉,它并不能持续到永远。
”
【Love
is
just
a
fleeting
feeling,
it
cannot
last
forever.
】
14.
“你的爱情可以让我飞上天,也可以让我跌入深渊。
”
【Your
love
can
lift
me
up
to
the
sky,
and
also
throw
me
into
the
abyss.
】
15.
“有时候爱情会变成一种负担,你不是为自己而爱,而是为了让别人感到开心。
”
【Sometimes,
love
becomes
a
burden.
You
don't
love
for
yourself,
but
for
the
happiness
of
others.
】
16.
“你伤害了我,但我还是会继续爱你。
”
【You
hurt
me,
but
will
still
continue
to
love
you.
】
17.
“虽然爱情没有错,但是爱情的方式有时候是错的。
”
【Although
love
is
not
wrong,
the
way
of
love
is
sometimes
wrong.
】
18.
“爱情不应该是一种付出与索取的平衡,而应该是一场精神的共鸣。
”
【Love
should
not
be
a
balance
of
giving
and
taking,
but
a
spiritual
resonance.
】
19.
“我的爱情需要你付出同样的努力,否则我会感到被忽视和伤害。
”
【My
love
needs
you
to
make
the
same
effort,
otherwise,
will
feel
neglected
and
hurt.
】
20.
“爱情是不可控制的,有时候你猛地爱上一个人,却不得不承受他带来的伤害。
”
【Love
is
uncontrollable.
Sometimes
you
fall
in
love
with
someone,
but
have
to
endure
the
pain
they
bring.
】
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